2. Improve bowel movement and prevent constipation
3. Slims body and beautifies skin
4. Enhances body Immunity
5. Reduce blood sugar and blood lipids (cholesterol)
6. Promotes blood circulation
TASLY is a chinese owned pharmaceutical company creating health and achieving future by selling its products through the multi level strategies.
The products are so efficient in such a way that even the USA FDA gives approval to their usage in USA and WHO has given credit to them, the international standardization etc have given full support and credit to our products.
** Listed in the international stock exchange in China - A class stock/First class
** Top Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) company in China and rank at the top among more that 6000 TCM manufacturers in China.
** There are more that 10,000 hospitals around the world using TASLY Products.
** Practicing 6 G's - GAP, GMP, GLP, GEP, GCP, GSP.
** Over 100million worldwide consumers including America, Africa France, Rusia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia etc.
** Awards and achievements - FDA, GMP, ISO 9001/4001, OSHMS, TGS, Halal Certificate from JAKIM and approved by Ministry of Health Malaysia.
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I've been taking Aloe FIber Plus since fasting month. I feel good and my stomach is not acidic and i don't feel that hungry. I can fast at ease this year. The best thing about it... I lose weight!!!!
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